Edit: The logo has been updated according to this comment.
Graduation and Your Site Design
Graduation comes with a few perks. I have already begun work on your site's design, which will give you your own unique theme that reflects your topic and culture. This will help brand your site as unique, even while you share common elements with other sites that show you are part of a bigger Stack Exchange family.
Once the design goes up, you will receive a link in the footer of other sites in the network, along with the ability to migrate content to and from other sites — and the notoriety of a public launch that says,
Congratulations, you finally made it!
Design Concept
I created a unique design and branding for this community to convey the feeling of construction and diversity. ExpressionEngine is meant to be a tool with which you can build almost any site you want. A state of live construction is conveyed by the schema of the letter “E” and the triangle shapes building a block.
Color Scheme
I decided to go with a vibrant and energetic orange to give a strong personality to this site and at the same time, stay in touch with the logo color of EllisLab, the builder of ExpressionEngine. The orange color represent the heat and energy that you can sense during a development rush on any project. It places ExpressionEngine as a powerful build tool which you can use during development phases.
I decided to make a logo with an icon mark, which reflect the idea of a construction project: you always start with a plan or a schematic (the outlined E) of how something needs to be built. Then, as the project is finished, the final form (solid E) is what is seen by people for all time.
As a logo mark, it stands out on its own and can be easily translated to other sizes or for promotional materials for the site.
Here are some examples to illustrate how it can be used elsewhere to strengthen the visual identity.
Overall site design
The overall look and feel is clean and elegant, oriented for readability though. The powerful header is contrasted by the minimalist look of the content section so the design has good balance.
I believe the design and branding work very well for this community, it’s unique, dev-oriented, and capture the mood I was going for. I’d love to hear your feedback, and if there are no major design changes, we’ll launch the new site design and graduate the site from Beta soon.
Congrats awesome community!