Is this site supposed to be a helpful resource for ExpressionEngine questions and answers?
The reason I ask is that I have a fair amount of experience at Stack Overflow and WordPress Answers (and smaller amounts at Server Fault and Super User) posting questions and answers and learning enough to amass some reputation while being (hopefully) a member of those communities.
But here, I'm getting what I can only describe as "attitude."
I posted this question: {email} and {url} returning admins info, not comment authors info The gist is I'm trying to export content from EE into Wordpress .wxr import format.
But these are the comments I got from Anna_MediaGirl (who also happens to be a moderator):
Comment: Can I ask what your EE experience is?
Answer: Very little. But that's irrelevant. This is a Q&A site, right?
Is this code you wrote or did you copy it from somewhere else?
Answer: Again, irrelevant. Doesn't matter where it came from. I'm not asking people to write code for me. I asked specific questions about code not 100% working for what I'm trying to do.
The code I posted should work perfectly.
Answer: I point out with my own edits the new code that I tried.
And finally:
You might also just want to pay someone to do this for you. It should take 5 minutes. It's a very quick thing to do.
Ok. Well, that's interesting. What happened to the Stack Exchange Q&A format here?
And: Is Anna_MediaGirl implying I should hire her? (I don't see it in the FAQ for this site, but the FAQs for SO and WPSE prohibit advertisements or solicitations for paid jobs.)
So, what's the deal? Am I getting attitude because I didn't write this code myself? Am I getting attitude because I'm trying to migrate a site away from EE? Because I'm using 2.7 core, the free version of EE?
Yes, I put a bounty on my question. Maybe someone can answer it. For me and the rest of the community. But after this, I doubt very much I'll be back. I'll stick with Google. And what help I can get from
Lastly, I think it's a good idea to throw this into Let's get critical: Sep 2013 Site Self-Evaluation Let's get critical: Sep 2013 Site Self-Evaluation and users and moderations can decide if your site is useful and encourages good questions. And answers.